Is It Possible For Regular Guys To Build Strong, Fit, And Chiseled Bodies Without Clunky Barbells And Long Gym Sessions?

Discover How This Perfect Exercise Regenerates Powerful “Youth Fibers” And Makes It Easy For Any Guy To Build Muscle, Burn Belly Fat, And Feel Years Younger… 1 2

Dear Reader,

Thousands of men have discovered the body-sculpting power of the “perfect exercise”... and how it builds muscle, burns fat, and “reverses” aging in record time…

Without using clunky barbells, long cardio sessions, or ever having to drive to a loud, crowded gym again…

And without having to sacrifice your favorite foods or time with family in order to see the results you want…

So if you’re sick of looking in the mirror and being disgusted by your own belly fat

And you’re tired of slowing down with age…

Then read every word on this page. Because…

This At-Home Method Awakens An Army Of “Youth Fibers” Deep Within Your Muscles To Keep You Strong, Fit, And Functional… 3 4

This exact exercise has been used by elite United States military units and world class mixed martial artists…

To build strong, functional bodies that can rise to any challenge…

And now anyone can use their secret in a safe and gentle way…

That’s friendly on your joints but ferocious on your fat cells…

Unlocks muscle building potential like you had when you were younger…

Speed-heals old injuries from the weight room or your service overseas…

Lubricates your joints so you feel better for your hobbies and the daily grind…

While boosting your cardio so you can keep up with your wife and kids.

So if you refuse to let age and belly fat get the best of you…

And you want to tap into the youthful power that’s waiting to be unlocked… so you can sculpt your physique, feel limber and energized, and become a badass who moves as good as he looks … then keep reading.

It Doesn’t Matter If…

  • You’re 35 years old or 65 years old…
  • You have 10, 25, or even 50+ pounds to lose…
  • You're an exercise “nut” or a couch potato…
  • You have a history of nagging injuries…
  • Or even if you’re busy and have very little free time…

The “perfect exercise” that you’ll discover on this page is a first-class ticket to your dream body…

One that doesn’t only look good… but feels good and performs when you need it to…

But before I tell you more about it… and how this perfect exercise literally multiplies a series of “youth fibers” that keep you fit and functional…

You’re Probably Wondering Who I Am And Why You Should Listen To Me…

Hi — I’m Luka Hocevar…

And I’ve been named one of the top fitness coaches in America… and featured in Men’s Health, Onnit Magazine, HBO Real Sports… as well as CBS, FOX, USA Today, and ABC…

And I’ve coached thousands of people from professional athletes in the NBA, NFL, and UFC…

To “regular Joes” who want to get back in shape and feel confident again.

And I’ve Done It Successfully Using The EXACT Exercise You’ll Learn About On This Page…

That’s been confirmed by studies from top exercise journals to…

  • Activate age-reversing “youth fibers” inside your muscles… making you look, feel, and function like you could years ago… 5
  • Battle back against age-related muscle loss… so you can build lean, functional muscle regardless of how old you are… 6
  • “Switch on” your metabolic furnace so you burn fat 24/7… so you can keep eating foods you love and still lose weight… 7
  • Boost powerful “speed healing” hormones like testosterone… so you recover from your workouts like Wolverine… 8
  • And improve posture and joint mobility while eliminating aches and pains (especially low back, hip, and neck pain)... 9 10 11

Just Use This Perfect Exercise 3x Per Week And You’ll Transform Your Body And Health Sooner Than Most People Think Possible…

No training experience, gym membership, or expensive equipment necessary.

All you need is a space the size of a small closet and you can sculpt a ripped, functional body using this convenient at-home workout…

And while this method works well for Navy Seals, MMA fighters, and guys who are in great shape already…

It works EVEN BETTER if you want to get back in shape after taking time off because life got busy… or an injury sidelined you for a while. In fact…

It’s typically the guys who have extra pounds to lose who see the fastest results…

Even if they follow a “toned-down” version of this exercise that’s dialed back a few notches…

This Crazy Simple Exercise Method May Sound Strange Right Now…

But in a moment you’ll learn why it’s better than bodybuilding-style workouts and traditional cardio. In fact…

I’ll reveal why those are the WORST workouts you can do if you want to look, feel, and move better… and how the “old” way of doing things is holding you back (and has been for years)...

But before I get there… and show you what the “perfect exercise” is and how it unlocks the “youth fibers” that keep you strong and fit in a way that other workouts can’t…

Let Me Tell You More About How I Came Across The Perfect Exercise And What That Means For You…

Like I mentioned earlier, I’m Luka Hocevar…

I’ve been a trainer and coach for more than 20 years…

And I’m dedicated to helping men from all walks of life look, feel, and move better…

So you can feel confident, stay strong and active, and live life on YOUR terms…

Instead of falling into a “health rut” like most guys do…

  • After turning 30…
  • Having kids…
  • Taking a high-stress job…
  • Dealing with nagging injuries…
  • Or whatever else has caused you to put your health and fitness on the backburner…

Starting Today, You Can Begin To REVERSE The “Damage” Done In A Safe And Gentle Way…

Even if you gained 10, 25, or even 50+ pounds since taking that desk job after college…

You HATE the way you look without a shirt on…

You’re tired from carrying around excess body fat…

Or even if you think you’re so far gone it would take a “miracle” to get you back to the athletic, fit, and energetic body you once had. I promise…

You don’t need a miracle

All you have to do is follow the simple yet powerfully effective method that I call the “perfect exercise”...

That literally reverses aches and pains, stubborn belly fat, low energy, and muscle loss…

By Regenerating A Lost Group Of “Youth Fibers” That You Had Lots Of When You Were Younger…

But begin to vanish after turning 30… and really start to disappear after 50… 12 13

And you’ll be able to do it from the comfort of your own home…

And without having to worry about another round of gym shutdowns

Or trying to fit an hour-long workout at a big box gym into your already busy schedule.

But before I get there…

Let Me Quickly Explain What These “Youth Fibers” Are And Why They’re So Important…

“Youth fibers” are also called “fast twitch type II muscle fibers”...

And new research from the University of Pittsburgh, Vanderbilt Medical School, and other top universities show that maintaining these “youth fibers” is your battle weapon against aging… 14

And a study from Boston University School of Medicine suggests that…

When You Regenerate “Youth Fibers” You’ve Lost Over The Years… It’s Like Turning Back The Hands Of Time… 15 16

And can help reverse age-related changes in body composition (like storing unwanted body fat)... 17

Make you more lean, defined, and athletic… and help prevent injuries. 18 19

Plus these are the most important muscle fibers for performing on a daily basis. In fact…

A study from Arizona State University shows youth fibers are crucial for keeping your balance and reacting quickly if you need to spring into action for any reason.

So these “youth fibers” do it all… 20

And if you want to look, feel, and move better…

Then you need to regenerate the “youth fibers” you’ve lost due to time and/or inactivity. So…

How Do You Regenerate These Lost “Youth Fibers”?

All it takes is two steps…


STOP doing exercises that LOWER “youth fiber” density in your muscles…



START doing the perfect exercise that BOOSTS “youth fiber” density in your muscles.

It’s as simple as that. See…

Not all exercise helps regenerate the army of “youth fibers” in your muscles…

And that’s the Achilles heel of many workout programs you’ve tried in the past.

Some actually make you lose “youth fibers” instead of gain them…

And many exercises that are supposed to help you gain “youth fibers”...

Aren’t sustainable, are too hard on your body, and take forever to see limited results.

So before I tell you what the perfect exercise is that helps to multiply the amount and the size of “youth fibers”…

So you can build muscle, lose fat, and stay at the top of your game…

I need to tell you what NOT to do first. Because…

There Are 3 Exercise Mistakes Most Guys Make That Can Stop “Youth Fibers” From Growing Or Make Them Disappear Even Faster!

Exercise Mistake #1: Train Like A Marathon Runner

Marathon runners and Ironman triathletes are the picture of perfect health, right? WRONG!

For many men, long distance running can be “self destructive”...

And that’s because long cardio sessions cause wear and tear in your joints and painful inflammation… 21

Which can increase the amount of an “aging hormone” called cortisol… that makes you feel old, achy, and store belly fat, too. 22 23

Plus, distance running doesn’t increase “youth fibers” in the muscles.

To give you a visual…

Look at the difference between a sprinter’s body and a marathon runner

One looks frail and weak while the other is muscular and strong.

They’re both runners… so why don’t they look alike?

Sprinting activates the powerful “youth fibers” I’ve been talking about… 24

While long distance running does not. 25 26

But I know most guys who are getting back in shape don’t love the idea of going to the park or the nearest high school track and running painful, exhausting sprints…

And the good news is you don’t have to.

You can activate these powerful “youth fibers” from the comfort of your own home… using the perfect exercise that I’ll reveal in a minute.

Exercise Mistake #2: Train Like A Bodybuilder

When you train with heavy weights like you would in a typical bodybuilder program it does increase “youth fibers” in the muscles…


There’s a BIG PROBLEM with bodybuilder-style training that I’ve seen men run into time and time again.

The problem with training like a bodybuilder… using barbells, dumbbells, and resistance machines… is they make you bulky and stiff…

And the exercises don’t translate well to real life activities

Like running around with your kids or grandkids… carrying groceries into the house… playing golf… grappling in mma class… or even something as simple as bending over to tie your shoes.

Why not?

Because bodybuilding-style training teaches your body to function like a bunch of separate muscle groups instead of one unit…

Which causes dangerous muscle imbalances.

Think about the leg press machine…

There are guys who can leg press a lot of weight BUT they also have low back issues.


Because the leg press makes your legs stronger, but it doesn’t activate your lower back…

So your legs get stronger, but your lower back stays the same or gets weaker… which is a recipe for poor posture, nagging injuries, and sharp low back pain.

And that’s why myself and thousands of other men like you prefer the perfect exercise that I’ll share in a minute…

Because it increases youth fiber density super fast… in a safe, gentle way that improves how your body functions as one unit…

And even corrects muscle imbalances you may already be wrestling with.

Exercise Mistake #3: Train Like A Gym Rat

After turning 30, your days of training like a “gym rat” should come to an end.

“Gym rats” are guys that basically live in the gym.

They spend 60-90 minutes working out. And you can find them there almost every day.

The problem with frequent, long workouts is that in order to regenerate lost “youth fibers”... you need to recover between workouts27

Because if you don’t, it may mean you lose the limited amount of “youth fibers” you already have… and you certainly won’t be able to grow new ones. 28

There are exceptions to the rule for guys who are “genetic freaks” or who are using some kind of “enhancement” to help them recover faster between workouts. But…

For regular guys, the secret is to keep your workout time and frequency to a minimum… while stimulating “youth fibers” with the right type of exercise. 29

Plus… for most men, the “gym rat” life won’t work.

I know so many guys who’ve tried to get back into shape after life got in the way of their health…

And though they were motivated and had the best intentions to be in the gym 6 days a week…

They ended up quitting

And that’s because you don’t have the luxury to train in the morning and spend the rest of the day drinking protein shakes, eating chicken breast, and taking naps…

You have to feel energized for your job and have enough left in the tank for your wife and kids when you get home.

And the good news is the perfect exercise that I’m about to reveal will make you feel good after your workouts. And you’ll be energized, inspired, and see noticeable results

Instead of feeling tired, stiff and questioning whether you can sustain your workouts.

So What Is The Perfect Exercise That Regenerates “Youth Fiber Density” In Your Muscles?

It’s an exercise that’s been used for hundreds of years in weird ways… but modern research has just discovered how powerful it truly is…

And how it can literally erase all the exercise mistakes you’ve made before…

And will help you build muscle and lose fat in record time… while building a functional body that does what you need it to…

Whether it’s picking up heavy boxes or moving furniture around the house…

Or enjoying your hobbies like golf, working on your car, or your evening BJJ class…

Being able to twist and turn and bend over without pulling something…

Having more stamina and flexibility in the bedroom…

Or anything else you use your body for…

And that’s why elite United States military units, world-class mixed martial artists, and even Olympic powerlifters…

All use this mysterious exercise to build strong, functional bodies that can rise to any challenge. Now…

Don’t let that intimidate you…

The perfect exercise is safe and gentle. And…

You Don’t Have To Train Like A Mixed Martial Artist Or Military Hero To Look And Move Like One…

In fact…

20 years ago I traveled to Denmark to learn more about the perfect exercise from the top coach at the time…

Who was one of the ONLY guys who taught why it works and how to do it…

And he showed me how I could use the perfect exercise myself…

And the best way to use it to help regular guys who want to get fit, strong, and healthy…

And it’s created more success in my personal clients' lives than I dreamed possible when I first learned it.

The Name Of This Perfect Exercise Is “Kettlebell Density Sets”...


You’ve probably heard of kettlebells before. In fact…

When everything shut down a couple years ago… kettlebells got a sudden spike in attention…

And most kettlebell companies couldn’t keep up with the demand (not the case anymore as kettlebells can be found online and even in some Wal-Marts).

The Kettlebell Is Superior To Every Training Tool On The Planet… And Regenerates Lost “Youth Fibers” In Minutes! 30

It’s better than barbells, dumbbells, machines, resistance bands, and anything else you can think of…


Well, it has to do with the unique SHAPE of the kettlebell.

A kettlebell looks like a cannonball with a handle…

And when you use a kettlebell during exercise, your entire body has to “engage”…

Which means you get the “biggest bang for your buck” every time you train…

But not just any kettlebell exercise will increase youth fiber density… and help you get a “younger” and stronger body…

It’s HOW you use it that makes all the difference. And…

The Kettlebell Is Superior To Every Training Tool On The Planet… And Regenerates Lost “Youth Fibers” In Minutes! 30

  • Boost “youth fiber density” in your upper body… so you can build muscular and strong shoulders, arms, and upper back muscles faster… 31
  • Engage your entire midsection by simply picking up the kettlebell (and then every rep after that)... so you can burn stubborn belly and love handle fat so much easier… 32 33
  • Increase “youth fiber” activation in your lower body as these gentle yet powerful kettlebell movements place a big stretch on your hips and legs… BETTER than a back squat! 34
  • Improve joint mobility, posture and muscle flexibility (it even reverses nagging soreness and stiffness from pre-existing injuries)... 35
  • Build core strength and lower back endurance so you don’t hurt your back doing everyday activities like raking leaves or bending over to put your socks on… 36
  • Improve cardiovascular health and boost endurance without pounding your ankles and knees (which can improve blood flow for better stamina, focus, energy, and sexual performance)... 37 38
  • Rehab busted up shoulders and lower backs so you can put your arms over your head and sleep without shooting pains… 39
  • And feel younger because each kettlebell density set unlocks more “youth fibers” so you can beat-up “Father Time” and feel fit and strong regardless of age… 40
  • Plus kettlebells are small, portable, convenient, and you can use them anywhere… (it’s like carrying a gym in your hand!)

Kettlebell Density Sets Are The “Perfect Exercise”...

Because it’s cardio, strength, and muscle sculpting all wrapped into one. 41 42

Studies even suggest you can get TWICE the results in HALF the time of other workouts. 43

In one study from the University of Wisconsin, researchers were stunned to discover how effective this style of training was for improving cardio, balance, grip strength, leg strength, and core strength… using just one short workout.

In their study, men who used Kettlebell Density Sets increased core strength by 70% and boosted cardio by 13.8%. 44

In another similar study, men burned 20.2 calories per minutewhich is an astounding 400 calories gone in 20 minutes

And is the equivalent of running a 6-minute mile or cross-country uphill skiing at a fast pace… except with the kettlebell it’s convenient and nowhere near as taxing on the body. 45 46

If You Want To Look, Feel, And Move Better In The Fastest Time Possible… Kettlebell Density Sets Are The Solution…

And that’s why they’ve been the foundation for how I train my clients for 20+ years… and why they’ve seen amazing success…

And now YOU can experience the power of Kettlebell Density Sets, too.

You’ve heard the saying, “when life gives you lemons, make lemonade”...

Well a couple years ago when gyms shut down, I had to find a way to train clients without us being in a room together…

So I took this exact training formula that I’ve used for decades to help men like you cut the fat, build muscle, get fit, and feel confident….

And combined it into one easy to follow program that anyone can do from the comfort of their own home to get in amazing shape in a few weeks…

By utilizing the power of Kettlebell Density Sets just three days per week… which is HALF the time most people think they need to train to get in shape.

This Powerful Fitness Solution Goes To Work In Minutes — To Reverse Aging, Torch Belly Fat, Build Lean Muscle, Heal Joint Pain, And More!

It doesn’t matter if you’re getting off the couch for the first time in years… or you just want a convenient workout program that fits into your schedule and doesn’t require a gym…

These powerful Kettlebell Density Sets can safely and gently melt away years of stubborn belly fat and restore energy like you had in your teens…

Reveal attractive muscle that gets her excited when your shirt comes off…

Makes you look and feel years younger… and like you’ve gotten a second lease on life in a body that moves like an athlete and functions how you need it to…

All from the comfort of your own home! Introducing…

8 Weeks To A Healthier You is a complete done-for-you program that uses Kettlebell Density Sets to regain lost “youth fibers” and help you build lean muscle, burn fat, get strong, feel young, and perform better in every part of life.

With 8 Weeks To A Healthier You, you have a battle-tested and results-proven program that turns your fat burning and muscle building hormones on “auto pilot”...

Reverses aches and pains and visible signs of aging… and boosts energy and vitality for life… with convenient workouts that fit into any schedule.

I’ve designed this program so that ANYONE can do it…

And when you follow along… you can unlock a new level of fitness sooner than you likely believed possible…

But before I tell you exactly what’s inside 8 Weeks To A Healthier You…

Let me answer the #1 question I get…

Do I Need Kettlebells To
Follow The Program?

While I recommend using kettlebells to regenerate lost “youth fibers” and unlock the crazy fast results that kettlebells provide…

I’ve included exercise variations for men with two kettlebells, one kettlebell, or no kettlebells at all!

This way you can follow the program whether you have kettlebells or not and still get fit and strong. Plus…

Some of the exercises inside the program are pure bodyweight movements, so you won’t need a kettlebell to follow along with those.

Inside 8 Weeks To A Healthier You, You’ll Get…

  • A complete done-for-you program that regenerates lost “youth fibers” and helps you burn stubborn fat, build lean muscle, boost energy, and feel confident with and without clothes on!
  • Detailed high-definition training videos where I’ll explain each exercise… why it works… and how to do it!
  • How to get ripped, six-pack abs… without doing a single sit-up! (Just hold your body in this specific way for 35 seconds and you’ll chisel a lean midsection super fast.)
  • New to kettlebells? No problem! I’ll take you by the hand and show you how to perform each kettlebell movement to perfection so you get the fastest results.
  • Do you have flabby “man boobs”? Follow the simple bodyweight exercise on page 21 to harden up your chest (NOT pushups).
  • A morning movement ritual that relieves any joint and muscle pain in minutes! (Do this to stay strong and flexible so you can meet the demands of everyday life.)
  • The key to seeing faster results is pushing yourself beyond your limits, right? WRONG! That’s one of the worst things you can do. Follow the quick tip on page 7 to get the BEST results (while protecting your body from injury).
  • How to get all the benefits of a heavy barbell squat… WITHOUT any weight! (You don’t need clunky, dangerous, spine-crushing weights to build a muscular butt, improve mobility, and strengthen your core… learn how on page 21.)
  • A kettlebell exercise you can tack-on to the end of ANY workout to replace the stubborn “dad bod” with a lean, muscular physique so much faster! (Studies suggest it makes you better at sex, too.)
  • Short n’ sweet 16-minute cardio circuits that burn WAY more calories and shed WAY more fat than an hour on the treadmill ever could! Page 29.
  • The “kettlebell balancing secret” that automatically burns love-handle fat and tightens up your abs without you even realizing! (Follow the movements on page 25 and you’ll see what I mean.)
  • How to exercise all those joint pain “demons” out of your body… and keep them out! (It doesn’t matter if it’s your neck, back, shoulders, hamstrings, or anywhere else… follow this “pain be gone” trick and you’ll feel good as new.)
  • How to kickstart your fat-burning metabolism BEFORE your workout even begins! (Just follow these simple movements and it awakens your fat burning hormones so you lose stubborn, ugly body fat so much faster.)
  • A simple and gentle “holding hack”... once used by the world’s strongest men to perform crazy feats of strength… that’s been proven to explode muscle and strength gains fast! (You’ll see what I mean during the exercise on page 41.)
  • Neck pain? Low back aches? Learn how to fix it and without chiropractors, physical therapy, or a single ibuprofen! (You’ll also learn my quick “shoulder pain soother” that’ll keep your shoulders strong and healthy).
  • A simple way to make any exercise more challenging so you can keep torching fat and making muscle and strength gains… without adding any extra weight or equipment. Page 23.
  • The “James Bond” method for unlocking your hips and improving mobility. (Just point your fingers like you’re holding a gun and lean THIS specific way… and you’ll instantly improve hip flexibility and power).
  • Have a flat and flabby “old guy butt”? Follow the movement on page 38 to get a strong, round backside that looks great in a pair of shorts.
  • How to build a muscular back from home… without a pullup bar!
  • Kettlebell Density Sets that transform the “dad bod” into a ripped, powerful physique in weeks… (These sets help you burn fat for literally DAYS after your workouts by releasing hormones that keep your body in “fat burning mode”... even when you’re laying around the house doing nothing!)
  • And so much more!

The 8 Weeks To A Healthier You Program Is Broken Up Into Two Phases…

Phase I (Weeks 1-4): In this phase you’ll learn powerful body-sculpting kettlebell exercises that make it easy to burn fat and build muscle.

You’ll also learn a series of movements that’ll instantly improve mobility, flexibility, and upgrade your performance in every area of life.

Each move in this phase can be adapted no matter what your fitness level… so it’s challenging enough for YOU to see the results you want.

Phase II (Weeks 5-8): In this phase, we’ll build on the foundation you created in weeks 1-4…

And we’ll crank up the intensity a notch… and you’ll learn how to use Kettlebell Density Sets for super fast results.

As you follow both phases of the program you’ll notice that everyday you look, feel, and move better.

Each Phase Inside The 8 Weeks To A Healthier You Program Includes:

Component #1: Movement Hygiene

You brush your teeth everyday to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy…

But most people NEVER think about their joints that way.

Just like your dental health… taking care of your joint health needs to be a normal part of your daily routine if you want to feel good and perform your best.

That’s why we’ll start everyday with “movement hygiene”...

A series of gentle movements that build a solid foundation so your joints and muscles can be strong, flexible, and capable

And have both the “show” and the “go” to dominate life now and for decades to come.

Component #2: Dynamic Stretching

There’s no point in having a great looking body if it feels stiff all the time.

If you want to feel flexible, improve your balance, and build a strong body…

It all starts here with Dynamic Stretching.

Following these simple feel-good moves before your workouts won’t only give you BETTER results from your training sessions…

But they’ll also bulletproof your body from injuries that’ve snuck up on you in the past.

Component #3: Kettlebell Density Training

This is where you’ll put the perfect exercise into practice.

When you follow these results-proven Kettlebell Density Sets you’ll get strong, fit, flexible… and feel confident when your shirt comes off…

Because each set will replace embarrassing body fat with lean muscle.

Each day you’ll build an athletic body that performs when you need it to… whether you’re playing a game of pickup basketball, running around with your kids, going for a hike, or anything else you want to do.

Every week you’ll follow 3 kettlebell density training sessions, which gives you plenty of time to recover and regenerate lost “youth fibers”.

Component #4: Fat Shredding Cardio

The only cardio you’ll do inside this program is the kind that’s proven to melt fat in the fastest time possible… (and it helps BUILD muscle too.)

Each fat shredding cardio session will help boost your stamina, improve total body health and fitness, and ramp up your body’s most powerful fat burning hormones…

So you can lose body fat during your workouts and for hours after your workout is finished…

Even when you’re relaxing on the couch, cooking burgers on the grill, or hanging out with your family!

You’ll do 2 fat shredding cardio sessions per week in-between your kettlebell density training…

8 Weeks To A Healthier You Is Your First-Class Ticket To A Body That Looks, Feels, And Moves Like You Want It To…

Imagine how you’ll feel just a few short weeks from now when it appears you’ve rewound the hands of time…

Because the belly fat you’ve gained over the years… the fatigue that’s followed you around like a shadow… and the lack of self-confidence…

Are replaced by a lean and functional body… boundless energy to crush your to-do list and spend time with your family… and when you catch yourself in the mirror…

You love the way your body looks with and without clothes on.

Your shirts fit tight in the “right” places, like your shoulders and arms… and loose in the “wrong” ones, like around your belly…

And best of all…

Your body doesn’t hold you back. Because now…

It’s a tool you use to get what you want out of life… instead of being a heavy “fat suit” full of aches and pains.

With your healthy and fit body, you’ll accomplish more… have more fun with the grandkids… stay active with your hobbies… and you’ll probably have more excitement in the bedroom…

And because you’re more fit and you’re keeping your muscles and joints healthy

You’re essentially adding years to your life. GOOD years…

Not years where your calendar is full of doctor’s appointments and there are whispers about putting you in assisted living…

And you’ll be a role model to your kids and an inspiration to your wife… because you’ll seem to get younger with age…

Instead of settling for belly fat, fatigue, and boredom like so many other guys.

If That’s What You Want —
This Is As Easy As It Gets…

All you have to do is follow along with 8 Weeks To A Healthier You

And you’ll unlock a body and life you probably didn’t think was possible.

And hey, when you finish the first 8 weeks…

You can go through the program as many times as you want after that…

Because each phase of the program can be adapted to give you a bigger challenge than the last time you went through it…

So really, this is the last program you’ll ever need.

No more hiring expensive personal trainers who are still stuck on resistance training machines and treadmills…

No more trying to follow along with useless workouts inside bodybuilding magazines…

No more playing guessing games and trying a bunch of different exercises and seeing if any of them “stick”...

And Now It’s YOUR Turn…

I know how powerful it can be to have someone in your corner…

And I want you to know I’m here for you.

I want to help you achieve a body you're proud of… and one that works like you want it to…

A simple program that guarantees success if you follow it.

So here’s the deal…

Even though I could have jacked up the price of this program…

Especially because I’ve used it so many times with real world success and have the proof to back it up…

My Mission Is To Help As Many Guys As Possible Get Strong And Fit So You Can Get More Out Of Life…

So I don’t want money to stand in the way of you getting your copy of 8 Weeks To A Healthier You

That’s why even though I could have charged $249 or more for this results-proven program…

I won’t charge anywhere near that today. In fact…

I won’t even charge HALF that.

When you take action and grab your copy of 8 Weeks To A Healthier You

You’ll only make a one-time payment of $37 for the entire program.

If you think about it… that comes out to just $1.37 per day to get in the best shape of your life over the next 8 weeks

And if you continue to use the program AFTER the 8 weeks are up…

It comes out to just pennies per day to build a strong, fit, and functional physique…

And that’s so much more affordable than hiring an expensive personal trainer that costs you 10x that much…

Or wasting a bunch of money on useless supplements…

And it’ll save you from all the frustration you’ve had of trying to figure things out on your own…

Not to mention how taking care of your body will most likely keep you from having to fork over your hard-earned money at the doctor’s office…

So with all that in mind…

The $37 investment today is worth every penny and it’ll ultimately save you lots of money.

And you don’t have to wait any longer. All you have to do is…

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Your Copy Of 8 Weeks To A Healthier You For Just $37!

Yes! I Want To Burn Fat, Build Muscle,
Feel Younger, And Perform Better Today!
Yes! I Want To Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Feel Younger, And Perform Better Today!

After you click the button you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page where you can complete your order…

And moments after that you’ll gain access to the entire 8 Weeks To A Healthier You program.

And because I’m serious about making this decision as easy as possible… and I don’t want you to miss this opportunity to upgrade your body, health, and life…

When you sign up today, I’ll back up your purchase with an Ironclad 90-Day 100% money back guarantee.

Ironclad 90-Day 100%
Money Back Guarantee

I’m so confident that 8 Weeks To A Healthier You will help get you the results I’ve promised today (just like it has for thousands of people)...

That I’m willing to put all the risk on my own shoulders so you can order your copy without any hesitations.

If you don’t look, feel, and perform better within 90-days of purchasing the program and putting it to use… or if there’s anything you don’t like about the program, like the layout or videos…

Just let me know and you’ll get a full refund on your investment today.

No questions asked. No hassles. You can even keep the program. So you see…

You have nothing to lose and a strong, fit, and functional body to gain!

So go ahead and order your copy now…

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Your Copy Of 8 Weeks To A Healthier You For Just $37!

Yes! I Want To Burn Fat, Build Muscle,
Feel Younger, And Perform Better Today!
Yes! I Want To Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Feel Younger, And Perform Better Today!

Alright, so we’re getting to the close of this letter…

So I want to make your options as clear as possible.

You Have 3 Options For Where To Go From Here…

  • Option #1: Keep Doing What You’ve Been Doing

    Keep following “traditional” exercise routines like lifting weights and running long, boring cardio… that doesn’t only give you slow results…

    But causes inflammation, stiffness and muscle imbalances that makes it easy to get injured… and almost impossible to recover.

    You can keep trying to fit long gym sessions into your already packed schedule…

    Wake up at the butt-crack of dawn… drive to the gym… destroy your body… drive back… get showered…

    And start your day feeling exhausted… before the REAL work even begins!

    If you go this route, you’ll feel sore and tired at the office…

    And when you get home you’ll be so fatigued you won’t be able to be the family man you want to be for your wife and kids…

    And then you’ll have to do it all over again the next day.

    That soul-sucking routine will wear you down fast just like it always has… and make you feel miserable. And because of that…

    There will come a day when you skip your workout…

    And one day will turn into one week…

    And with every passing day, your pants fit tighter, your belly gets bigger, your excitement for life starts to fade and you fall into a rut like so many other guys…

    Where you feel trapped in a body you hate and your health slows down until you become a shell of the man you once were.

    But because you’re still reading, I know there’s NO WAY you’re going back to the “old” way of doing things…

  • Option #2: Take What You’ve Learned And Try To Do It On Your Own

    If you decide to go this route, then hey, I wish you all the best…

    But it won’t be nearly as easy or as effective as what I’ve laid out inside the 8 Weeks To A Healthier You program.

    I created this program based on real science and real results with thousands of people.

    It’s a system that works together to get you the body you want.

    Every piece matters

    And that’s why most people who take the option to “figure it out” on their own don’t see success.

    There’s too much guesswork involved. Too much to research. And no matter what you try, it won’t be as effective as what you have access to on this page.

    I’m not trying to be mean or exaggerate the truth. That’s just the way it is.

    Sure, some workouts may help burn fat. Others may help build muscle. And others might improve overall fitness.

    But you’ll be hard-pressed to find one that does all three (and more) at one time…

    Especially one that’s convenient and you can do from home or while you travel.

    I’ve created a one-of-a-kind program and I want YOU to have it…

    And your best bet to unlock all the benefits I’ve promise in this letter… in the same place… is by taking option #3…

  • Option #3: Get Your Copy Of 8 Weeks To A Healthier You Today And Let Me Help You Build A Body That Looks, Feels, And Performs Better

    This is the beginning of a new chapter for you…

    One where you’re fit, functional, and your body looks incredible.

    Beginning with your first day on the program you’ll begin to regenerate lost “youth fibers”... jumpstart your metabolism… and “switch on” your fat burning hormones.

    And from that moment forward for the next 8-weeks…

    You’ll burn stubborn fat, build lean muscle, and sculpt an attractive, functional body that doesn’t just look good…

    But meets the demands of everyday life…

    And helps you stay active with your hobbies… take on new challenges… keep up with the kids or grandkids… and even gives you some extra juice in the bedroom.

    With all the amazing changes you’ll see with your body and health…

    Your partner will be proud of you… you’ll get compliments from your peers… and you’ll feel as confident as you’ve ever been in your adult life…

    And that’s because you’ve finally found a convenient program that fits into your schedule… can be done anywhere that’s best for you…

    And most importantly… it gives you real, noticeable results.

    Your body will function like a well-oiled machine… you’ll feel flexible and strong…

    And you’ll bulletproof your joints and muscles and stay injury-free so you don’t miss life’s best moments due to nagging aches and pains.

    When you follow this program you’ll feel like you’re getting younger… and look like it, too!

    And you’re just one click away from making it happen…

    So don’t settle for anything less than what you deserve. This is your moment.

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Your Copy Of 8 Weeks To A Healthier You For Just $37!

Yes! I Want To Burn Fat, Build Muscle,
Feel Younger, And Perform Better Today!
Yes! I Want To Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Feel Younger, And Perform Better Today!

Alright, so we’re getting to the close of this letter…

So I want to make your options as clear as possible.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this program for?

This program is for men who want to build muscle, burn fat, get fit, and move better but don’t have time for the gym or prefer working out from home.

All you have to do is follow along with this battle-tested and results-proven method and you’ll look, feel, and perform better each week of the program.

Will this really work at any age?

Yes. It doesn’t matter if you’re 35 or 75… 8 Weeks To A Healthier You is a solution for any guy who wants to get in great shape.

I’ve used it with amazing success to help men from every walk of life. And you can adapt the program to your current fitness level and challenge yourself to keep getting better from there.

I’ve struggled with joint pain. Is this safe for me?

It’s always good to check with a doctor, but YES — 8 Weeks To A Healthier You is safe for guys who wrestle with joint pain. In fact, kettlebell workouts are the best workouts for helping to relieve joint pain and strengthen your joints.

What if I’ve never worked out before… Can I do this?

Absolutely. In fact, you’ll probably notice even faster results than guys who’ve been training for years. When you first start working out, your results take off like a rocket. You burn fat and build muscle fast. You start feeling better almost overnight.

And this program is designed so that any person… even a complete beginner… can pick it up, follow along, and see life-changing results.

I’m really out of shape. Will this work for me?

Yes. This is a great program for people who are currently out of shape. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been out of shape your whole life or you used to be in shape but then you put your health and fitness on the back burner for a while.

Beginning with your very first workout, you’ll reignite your body’s most powerful fat burning hormones, boost your metabolism, and from that point forward you’ll stay in “fat burning mode” for as long as you follow the program… so that just weeks from now you’ll look, feel, and perform better.

How long before I see results?

You’ll start to see results within the first week if you follow the program as I’ve laid out for you. And that’s what I love about this program… YOU get to decide what kind of results you get, based on the effort you put in.

This system has helped more than 8,000 people get in better shape so far and there’s no reason to believe your story will be any different. Within the first week you’ll have more energy, functional strength, and confidence… and the results will only get better from there.

Will I eventually adapt to the program?

No. I created this program so that anyone can pick it up, see amazing results, and then continue going through the program as many times as you want… getting better every time.

You’ll see what I mean inside the program. There are so many ways to challenge yourself that it’s hard to imagine any scenario where you would adapt to it and stop seeing results.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

If it doesn’t work for you, just send me an email and let me know within 90-days of purchasing the program and you’ll get a full refund.

This is a risk-free opportunity for you… and those don’t come around very often.

With that said, most people love the program and see amazing results with it. So it would be strange if your case were any different. But I’m a man of my word. If you don’t see the results you expect, you’ll get your money back. No questions asked. No hassles.

Is my credit card and personal information safe?

Yes. After you click the “Add To Cart” button you’ll be taken to a secure checkout page to complete your order. Your personal and credit card information will be processed safely, securely, and without compromise.

How do I order again?

Really simple. Just click the “Add To Cart” button below and you’ll be taken to our secure checkout page where you can complete your order.

Once you’ve completed your order, you’ll gain access to everything inside the 8 Weeks To A Healthier You program and can get started as soon as you want.

Click The “Add To Cart” Button Below To Get Your Copy Of 8 Weeks To A Healthier You For Just $37!

Yes! I Want To Burn Fat, Build Muscle,
Feel Younger, And Perform Better Today!
Yes! I Want To Burn Fat, Build Muscle, Feel Younger, And Perform Better Today!