1% Better Everyday Strength Building System by Ricky Lundell
Digital video available for immediate viewing online - Includes E-Book
1% Better Every Day Movement Founder Ricky Lundell reveals the secrets to his incredibly efficient system that took his squat from 275lbs To over 600 Lbs- PRODUCT INCLUDES VIDEO & E-BOOK!
- Working out less than 30-minutes per day, Lundell became one of the strongest men in Nevada in under 500 days, weighing only 175 lbs.!
- Lundell’s 1% Better Every Day Movement will help you to achieve your goals making incremental progress every single day
- Gain Digital Access to instructional videos and a step by step EBook
Lundell’s 1% Better Every Day Movement will help you to achieve your goals making incremental progress every single day
Working out less than 30-minutes per day, Lundell became one of the strongest men in Nevada in under 500 days, weighing only 175 lbs.!
What Will You Learn?
With 1% Better Everyday Strength Building System, revered conditioning expert and strength coach Ricky Lundell will show you THE SECRETS OF MAKING REAL, TANGIBLE PROGRESS EVERYDAY in your quest for a stronger, more conditioned body. You’ll use the same methods and exercises that a 175 lb’ Lundell used to become one of the strongest men in Nevada in under 500 days, WITH ONLY 30-MINUTES A DAY INVESTED!
The themes of Lundell’s 1% Better Every Day Movement will help you take DAILY CONSISTENT STEPS TOWARD YOUR GOALS, building discipline and achieving quick results! Lundell’s 4-volume instructional series based around the snatch, clean, and squat, includes an EBook that will help you track your lifting technique and provide blueprints for the program making this an easy-to-follow guide that will TAKE YOUR STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING TO NEW HEIGHTS!
So, What's in this Series?
Part 1:
- Snatches-Warming Up, Gear, Positions, Stretching
- How to Load and Unload Weight
- Failures
- Failures Cleans and Front Squats
- Tightening the Bar
Part 2:
- Snatching Flexibility & Positioning
- Snatching Basics, Theory and Reps
- Snatching-Weight Progression
- Cleans Explained
- Rolling Out Muscles
- Cleans Weight Progression
Part 3:
- Front Squat
- Equipment
- Front Squat-Weight Progression
- Back Squat Explained
- Back Squat-Weight Progression
Part 4:
So, What Does It Cost?